Antitrust – Zwerling Schachter was a lead counsel in Cipro Cases I and II, J.C.C.P. Nos. 4154 and 4220 (Cal. Super. Ct. San Diego County), which resulted in a settlement for the Class of $399 million. The Firm also prosecuted a class action alleging that brokers and insurers engaged in an anticompetitive scheme involving undisclosed payments, kickbacks, steering and bid rigging resulting in settlements of nearly $200 million. In re Insurance Brokerage Antitrust Litigation, MDL No. 1663 (D.N.J.)
Excessive Fees – Zwerling Schachter is presently acting as a lead counsel in dozens of cases attacking the excessive advisory fees being paid by mutual fund investors including: Zoidis v. T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc., No. 1:16-cv-02786-MJG (D.Md.); and Kennis v. Metropolitan West Asset Management, LLC, No. 2:15-cv-08162 (C.D. Cal)

RICO – Zwerling Schachter is co-lead counsel in a class action on behalf of U.S. policyholders alleging a conspiracy in violation of RICO statute against insurance syndicates in the Lloyd’s of London insurance market. Lincoln Adventures, LLC, et al. v. Those Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s London Members of Syndicates, et al., No. 2:08-cv-00235-CCC-JAD (D.N.J.). Also, ZSZrepresents several Native American Tribes seeking damages and remediation from Opioid manufacturers and distributers. [National Prescription Opiate Litigation, 1:17-md-2804 (N.D. Ohio)]
Consumer Fraud – Zwerling Schachter was lead counsel in coordinated nationwide actions against the world’s leading passenger cruise lines with respect to their practices concerning bogus “port charges.” These cases resulted in settlements more than $100 million (e.g. Hackbarth v. Carnival Cruise Lines Inc., No. 96-8078 (Fla. Cir. Ct. Dade County) and Cicogna v. Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd., No. 96-8075 (Fla. Cir. Ct. Dade County)).
Ponzi Schemes – In the most infamous Ponzi scheme of our time, Zwerling Schachter acted as counsel in a certified class action that recovered over $200 million on behalf of investors in “feeder funds” that, in turn, invested with Bernard L. Madoff Securities, LLC. Anwar v. Fairfield Greenwich Limited, Master File No. 1:09-cv-118 (VM) (S.D.N.Y.)